
Trauma treatment care programme

The Mind to Move care programme is suitable for the treatment of traumatic experiences, such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, serious accidents and war trauma.

The Mind to Move care programme consists of the following modules:

  • Psychoeducation
  • Intensive trauma treatment (Intensive Five)
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Running therapy
  • Relapse prevention aimed at self-reliance

Based on your complaints, request for help and circumstances, it will be determined in consultation with you which of the above modules are useful for you. The treatment can take place on location, online or partly online and on location (hybrid). An intake will take place prior to treatment.


During the intake, a diagnosis is made and a treatment plan is drawn up (in accordance with current scientific knowledge and compliant with guidelines). The treatment plan is aimed at achievable goals. We look at your traumas and the connection between your circumstances, coping style and complaints. In addition, your request for help, goals and expectations of the treatment are discussed. It is possible that parts of the intake/diagnostic process are performed by experts other than the coordinating practitioner.

The coordinating practitioner is ultimately responsible for determining the disorder (DSM-5 classification) for which you have actually been (co-)assessed by the coordinating practitioner. Attention is paid to support and possible cooperation with your environment. You will be asked who in your immediate environment is closely involved in the situation you are currently in and whether it makes sense to invite this person. It is possible that a loved one makes contact because of concerns regarding someone from his environment with a potential psychological disorder or suicide threat. We always respond to such questions, taking privacy rules into account.

During the intake any involvement of children it will be discussed, whether they may need support or whether the patient needs support in their parenting role. The intake process determines whether you will be treated within the level of basic mental health care (moderate severity and complexity) or within the specialized mental health care system (serious and/or complex problems).


  1. Psychoeducation

Psycho-education is the provision of information and education about your psychological complaints, the treatment and the consequences thereof. The psycho-education consists of a personal explanation of your problems, informative brochures and videos, such as PTSD and: ‘What is stress and what can we do about it?’

  1. Intensive trauma-focused therapy (Intensive Five)

Within 2 weeks, the most important traumatic events are treated in 5 days. Depending on your complaints, one or two sessions per day take place. Mind to Move only uses first choice treatment methods such as EMDR and imaginary exposure. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.

With EMDR you recall the bad memory or memories while simultaneously following the therapist’s finger or the light on a light bar with your eyes. Imaginary exposure is a form of cognitive behavioural therapy whereby you are confronted with the fear-provoking memories of the trauma for a prolonged length time and repeatedly. You experience the traumatic event again, but then in your mind and in a safe environment. The aim is the ability to look back on the event calmly. Home assignments in which you are confronted with fear-evoking memories of the trauma are part of the therapy.

During the treatment, the effects are measured in the meantime. A post-test takes place at the end of the treatment.

  1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

In a period of 2 to 3 months, the complaints that have arisen as a result of the traumatic complaints are treated in 3 sessions. Treatment will focus on behavioural change.

You often know very well what you would like to change, or do or see differently, but this is not possible or only succeeds to a limited extent. Our vision is that behavioural change only lasts if sufficient attention is also paid to self-image. This makes behavioural change sustainable. The conscious perception of positive quality is an important part of the therapy.

Good to know

The treatment is short-term, effective and requires an active attitude and cooperation from patient and practitioner.


If necessary, the use of medication can also be examined. This can be discussed with your general practitioner or consultation with a psychiatrist.


So-called eHealth can be used during the treatment. This means that regular face-to-face conversations can be combined with online interventions, such as video calls, websites with exercises and online treatment modules. ‘Praktijkdata’, ‘Teams’ and/or ‘’ are used.

  1. Running therapy

Running Therapy is the therapeutic use of an easy tempo endurance run under the supervision of a running therapist as an additional form of treatment for people with psychological complaints. It is a simple way of integrating regular exercise into everyday life. Running Therapy is a very accessible form of running in which the positive effects are central. Scientific research shows that regular exercise has a positive effect on body and mind. During exercise, substances are released that make us feel more comfortable. Self-confidence increases and psychological complaints decrease.

Running therapy is offered by our partner Rocky Loots, Rocky is a psychosomatic physiotherapist at ‘Fysiotherapiepraktijk Schalkwijk’. Running therapy therefore falls outside the care of Mind to Move.

  1. Relapse Prevention

 Psychological complaints can return. To prevent complaints from getting worse, a personalized relapse prevention plan will be drawn up together with you. This plan maps out the signs that indicate relapse and explains what you can do in its prevention.